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966 Main Street, Bennington VT | 802-442-2424

966 Main Shelter

Bennington County Coalition for the Homeless offers emergency shelter services for homeless adults over the age of 18 at our 966 Main Street Shelter, known as “966 Main”.

The shelter at 966 Main is a 16 bed coed facility that operates on a first-come first-serve basis. Operating with a rolling admissions philosophy, once you are admitted into the 966 Main program, your bed is secured each day while you work towards permanent housing. A housing case manager and daily staff support is provided to help you develop and work on a plan toward self-sufficiency.

966 Main also serves as a drop-in center for homeless individuals to gain access to case management services, clothing, food, bedding, personal care items, and bathroom/showers.


212 Pleasant Street, Bennington VT | 802-442-2424

Thatcher House Family Shelter

Emergency shelter is also offered to families with children under the age of 18, known as Thatcher House Family Shelter.

It is a 9-unit facility that offers families individual living quarters. Shelter and services for families focus on coordinated entry and prioritizing a housing path for higher-need families.

Thatcher House Family Shelter typically maintains a waiting list. Please call us for an intake.